Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Legal advice regarding what happens to money from a will when someone owes students loans, taxes + child suprt?

A relative has inherited money from my grandmothers death. He owes money to the government in the following ways:

-Un-paid Taxes

-Un-Paid Student Loans

-Un-paid Child Support

He just never had the funds to be able to pay for these things. Upon reciving the money from his mothers death, what will happen to this money? Does the government automatically take it and put it towards government owed money? If so, what will have priority over what? Meaning, will the IRS have to be paid first, will back child support have to be paid first? Is there any way for him to control his funds?

Any information would be helpful. He is living in the state of Texas. The money is coming from the State of Indiana.Legal advice regarding what happens to money from a will when someone owes students loans, taxes + child suprt?
Soon as the inheritance money hits the bank the IRS, Child Support and last Student Loans grab the money. He gets what is left. No control since the judgments against him are already in place.

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