1.parents pay car insurance (has been in one accident)
2.has a blackberry (parents pay phone bill)
3.goes to college studys hard
4.works at law office not many hours
5.has master bed room 2 closets, couch,bathroom
6.not home often
7.when he is home he cause fights with his mom
8.rude,crude,very inappropriate,curses,
9.does not respect or appreciate his mom
10.caring brother
11.Does not pay any rent what so ever
12.dosent help out or clean the house at all! (never for freewill unless a baseball game is on)
13.eats his moms dinner even though he hates her and says mean things
So what are his rights living in his parents house for free? does he have any? and can his mom get arrested for throwing out his stuff on the front lawn? thanks so much!Legal advice needed! 18 year old lives at home.Does he have any rights?
He has no right to stay in the house and his parents have no legal duty to support him or house him. The parents can toss him out at any time. They can also take him off the car insurance policy or stop paying if it's his own policy. They can stop paying for his blackberry but if the contract is in the parents' names, they need to cancel the service and pay the early termination fee to protect their credit and to protect their finances from him running up the bill out of spite.Legal advice needed! 18 year old lives at home.Does he have any rights?
He as 100% rights.
He is a human being. He is also legally an adult.
But they can choose to no longer pay for insurance, or phone, etc.
If he doesn't pay rent, and he is a dependent, everything in their house is theirs. So they can do as they wish with it.
Nope, he has no rights. She can throw him out if she wishes. He even has no right to privacy since he doesn't pay rent. His mother can even allow the police to search his room if they ask and she feels like letting them because there has been no established expectation of privacy. I woulda tossed him out long ago.
He has the right to go out and find a place of his own. If he finds a place of his own he has the right to pick his things up off his mothers lawn. If he can't find a place, he has the right to sleep under a bridge.
If he is of legal age you can put him out and make him provide for himself, but do you really have the courage to follow through with it?
He is an adult under the law and his mother can evict him.*
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