Monday, August 23, 2010

Legal advice on being caught with drugs?

Last weekend a friend of mine was on his way to a party when an undercover cop caught him with 4 ecstacy pills. Now he has to go to court and I am wondering what could happen to him and if he needs to get a lawyer. This was the first time that he ever got arrested and he had no intent to sell the pills, it was for use only. Does anyone have any advice that may help him or if you know what could happen to him please respond.

Please dont pass any judgement, I asked this question to get answers on where he stands legally, not to get comments on how he should not have been with drugs....thanxLegal advice on being caught with drugs?
Depends which country you're in, U.K slap on the wrist.

I would say wherever you are, get a lawyer.Legal advice on being caught with drugs?
The same thing happened with my friend. He got his school to write a letter saying that he was a model student and a prefect etc... he also got his friend's dad is a lawyer and he agreed not to tell his parents and to also stand for him in court.

When he went to court, there were two other boys that were there for the same thing. They were wearing dodgy clothes and were being very unruly, whereas my friend was dressed in a suit and he was very polite etc.

In the end, he ended up with nothing, and the other two boys ended up with community service.

So basically, looks and demeanor mean a lot in court.
every district attorney and state laws are different, however I do know that getting caught with E is a more serious offense now since so many people are getting spinal menanginis from this crap. If he does not have an attorney he better go see a public defender.
If he is unable to afford an attorney one will be appointed. He'll need to make that request ususally during a preliminary hearing.
if he didnt go to jail at the moment then he will not have any jail time. he does not need a lawyer, all he does is go to court and they direct him where to go, or he has to ask. u wait in line they call ur name and u go in. the judge asks u if its true he says yes, get off with a 500 dollar fine and drug classes once a week for an hour with no drug testing and a probation officer. if it was not a felony which im sure it wasnt cuz he would have been taken in on the spot, but he wasnt so it was just a misdemeanor hell be fine, after he completes his drug classes wich he wont need to take for no more then about 9 months and pays off all his fines thell most likely do a deal with him and take it off of his permanent record completely. they dont really mess with people who have a couple ecstasy pills or a couple grams of weed they try to focus on the people who are carrying 100 ecstasy pills and pounds of weed and murders, rapists and burglers. ur friend will be fine dont sweat it =)

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