Monday, August 23, 2010

Legal advice?

I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism in January. My Dr is very wishy washy and I was in the process of finding a new Dr when I found out I was pregnant. According to everyoneI have talked to the doctor who diagnosed me should have advised me to go on birth control because of all the problems pregnancy arises in me not to mention the precarious health of my baby. What should I do?Legal advice?
If you were diagnosed in January and did not become pregnant until February, the doctor is not at fault. You said you were in the midst of finding another doctor when you found out you were pregnant. My advice would be to find a doctor or healthcare team that can treat you for your condition while allowing you to have a safe pregnancy. As far as any legal action, you have none.Legal advice?
First thing you need to do is find an OBG Doc, Discuss this with him/her. Have them run the test to make sure that you do in fact have hyperthyroidism. Second. Did you tell your former doctor that you were trying to get pregnant? You say he/she is wishy washy, did you ask questions,. Legally there is nothing that you can do at least not at this time. You haven't suffered any damages. Just because there might be risks or problems may occur is not standing for a law suit. Something must actually occur (damages) Also, Im sure that this was not your first visit with this doctor. If you felt wishy washy about him/her why did you choose to stay. We have to take responsiblity for our actions. Did you do any research on Hyperthyroidism? I think not or you wouldnt be having this discussion. We are talking about your health. Be proactive, do your research write down questions and then seek a new doctor. This way you will be prepared when your visit with the doctor arrives. Bring your questions with you and write down the doctors answers. This way you can look over them and formulate more questions. Of course everyone else is going to tell you to sue that no good you know what. That is after all the American Way.
What should you do about....???????

';Everyone'; is??? Gynecologist, perinatologist? etc?

Here's a thought - you got pregnant, I seriously doubt your doctor did that to you, but you never know. Thousands and thousands of women with hypothyroidism give birth every year. With no problems.

I am not sure what legal advice you are looking for? You no legal issues.

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