Two months ago, I was caught shoplifting in AZ. I was very cooperative with the Loss Prevention team and the police as well. An hour later, I was released by the police officer and in his report to the judge he would say that I was cooperative and very sorry for my actions. I plead guilty at my arraignment. I just want to put this behind me, I am so humiliated and upset with myself about this. Anyways, my sentencing will be at the end of this month and the judge told me that it would just be a fine because it is my first and only offense.
I will be graduating from college in Fall 2009 and will be applying at jobs in hospitals. Can I have this expunged from my record before then and how do I go about doing this? I really appreciate any feedback I can get. I've never been in any kind of trouble before so I'm totally clueless on what to do. Because I'm so embarrassed by my actions, I do not want anyone to know.Legal Advice!?
In Arizona, the policy is a ';setting aside of judgment,'; which is very similar to the expungement policies of other states. Fortunately for you, it sounds like you are a perfect candidate. You committed a non-violent crime, are going to be sentenced, and then will be discharged by the court. Your crime is not drug related, not committed against a minor, and doesn't fall into any of the other barred categories. So heres my advice - you're going to receive some fines when you are sentenced. PAY THEM IMMEDIATELY. Get this thing done, and then you'll need to wait thirty days. As soon as its up, head over to whatever attorney's office is most convenient for you, and explain your situation. Good luck to you!
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