Saturday, July 31, 2010

Legal advice re: adult childs ailing father?

';My friend, who is an adult has an ailing father who is suffering from mild dementia. He is currently in a special facilty for this, but doesn't want to be there, nor needs to be there at this point. His wife (my friends step mother) has taken control over the situation, she has power of attorney) and will not even consider my friends wishes re: his father. My friend truly has his fathers best interest at heart. His dad wants out of the nursing home, but wife will not allow it nor will she allow his 2 sons to have any say re: any part of their dads health care. Can anything be done re: this?';Legal advice re: adult childs ailing father?
The children would have to petition the courts to be the guardians of their father. Then the step mother would have no say. But the children are going to have to prove that the step mother is not doing what is in the fathers best interest. The are also going to have to show a good plan to care for a man with dementia.

BUT....if the father is still of good mind (kinda doubtful with dementia) then he can void the power of attorney and give it to one of the children. But without a medical power of attorney or a judges order the kids can do nothing. Even without the power of attorney the step mother makes the decisions as she is married to him.Legal advice re: adult childs ailing father?
They could petition the court for guardianship. This would be difficult as they would have to prove that what his wife is doing is not in his best interest and they would also have to take over the care of his father and prove they have a viable plan for care. The other thing to consider is that if there was no need for him to be in the nursing home they would not keep him there. The nursing home has to submit proof that he requires the level of care they are giving him so his dementia is most likely more sever than the sons realize.

LEGAL ADVICE NEEDED!asap RE SUBPOENA and acting as witness at court?

hi i am a 17 year old female. i received a subpoena to appear in court as a witness. what happens if i don't appear in court? i really dont want to go as it happened so long ago and i dont want to give any evidence! my statement which i gave a long time ago does not have anything in it really as i didnt give any good information that could be used anyway. i really dont want to get up in court.

what pentalty will i recieve for not appearing?LEGAL ADVICE NEEDED!asap RE SUBPOENA and acting as witness at court?
Randy B. is right. In addition you are required to remember as best you can what happened. Your statement and your truthful testimony will cause you problems because the two won't match. That is called Perjury and is a serious felony. You will be under oath. You will be grilled by two attorneys and your perjury may come out. You are only 17 and are not suffering from senility.

If you were subpoenaed by the District Attorney, or Chief Solicitor, go see them and explain that you hadn't wanted to get involved, so you made your statement deliberately vague. If you have been threatened if you testify truthfully, be SURE to tell the DA.LEGAL ADVICE NEEDED!asap RE SUBPOENA and acting as witness at court?
It would help a great deal if you gave your state and country. There is more than one legal system on the face of God's earth. They are all quite complex so don't expect people who don't belong to your country to start helping you with legal advice about you jurisdiction.

Make it clear where you live - or if you don't want to be that precise - the state and country the legal advice is need for please.

If you have been subpoena'd by the Court and you do not show up the Judge has the option to issue a bench warrant for your arrest and to compel you to attend. The subpoena is essentially the Courts way (read: Judges way) or ordering you to attend and if you do not attend it can be big trouble. It is not a request to attend, it is an order.

Legal advice - Drug search and seizure?

OK, so here is the story...

I had a bench warrant out for my arrest for a prior possesion of marijuana charge that I was not aware of. 9 months later the police decided to show up at my door at midnight after I had consumed a fairly large amount of mushrooms. They asked me my name and I was told that I was under arrest. I did not have my ID on me so when they told me to go get it I left them at the door, and while I was in my room, they entered my house. I was read my rights, handcuffed and brought to the police station. A police officer was in my house for two hours without a warrant and ';after'; a warrant was obtained they found a lot of paraphanalia, marijuana, marijuana growing, a half ounce of mushrooms and a mushroom growing system...among other things. I was wondering if any person with legal experience has any advice on how this can be dropped. I have lawyers, but I'm looking to put as many minds together as I can. I'm willing to talk elsewhere and get more in depth.Legal advice - Drug search and seizure?
damn dood your set for years! half ounce of mushrooms boatload of mary jane mario is jealous of you!! lucky

(im talking in terms of drugs not your sentence )Legal advice - Drug search and seizure?
When you get out of prison you would be wise to avoid drugs.~
So you had a warrant for your arrest, but didn't know it? Gee that sucks, dude. Anyway, they went in your house without a search warrant, then got one after the fact. That's a violation of the 4th Amendment. They need a search warrant before they search, so ask your lawyer about the 4th Amendment. Then, if it works, they will probably clear you of charges and then perform surveillance on your house. Before you get cleared, get rid of your stuff. Put it all in a steamer trunk or something and bury it in the woods, if need be. Just make sure you get rid of it discretely and before the case is cleared.
You had a warrant, they can come in after you, your mistake was not stepping out and going with them, they duped you into going in, and they have the right to follow, they figure you could have ran, or got a weapon of some sort.

Because your warrant involved a drug charge, the have a right to ';lock down'; your house, and wait for a warrant to search, or maybe they saw something that gave them probable cause.

Legal legal advice to file case in labour court.?

I was appointed as CS Mgr in an event company. For 3 months I worked with them and for 3 months, they consistently told me to do Business Development. I never agreed to do BD but was handed over an appointment letter of MD Mgr. When mutually, I had quit working for the company, I had already completed one month. I have not given my resignation letter. Now my company refuses to pay my salary of one month and instead threatens to beat me if I keep asking for the money.

A colleague suggested I approach the labour court?

What do I do?Legal legal advice to file case in labour court.?

A very informative website, kindly stay a minute in website and check

Can some one give me legal advice?

when my ex husband passed away i was living in a trailor he had puchased I am no where on the loan for this trailor i have continued to make the payments regardless for three years when i talked to the finance company they said there should not be a problem with anything as long as I am the executer over his estate well i am not his father was we are now looking for a new home to buy and I am wondering since i am no where on this loan can the finance company do anything to me if I just let them take it backCan some one give me legal advice?
Was an estate actually opened after you ex's death, and was your father in law the executor of that estate?

If so, the finance company will come after him after they repo the trailer.

If you were the EX-wife at the time of death, and your name is not on the loan or the trust deed, then yes, you can walk away from the property.

I would consult an attorney in your state though, just to be on the safe side.Can some one give me legal advice?
You are so welcome!

Thank you for the 10 points, and best of luck to you!

Report Abuse

You didn't say what state you are in, nor did you give any indication if you ex-husband died testate (with a will) or intestate (without a will). If your husband died testate, then the terms of his will dictate how the property is divided. If he died intestate, then the laws of your state governing intestacy will determine this.

THE FOLLOWING IS GENERAL advice, and is not meant to specifically advise you on your situation.

Generally, when a person dies, their debts become the responsibility of their estate. This means, for instance, that to distribute any property of the estate, the executor first has to satisfy all of the creditors. Then, any inheritance taxes must be resolved. The remainder is then distributed to the heirs (For a discuss of that, see above) If a person dies and has more debts than the property of the estate, the estate is insolvent. The heirs get nothing, and the creditors may or may not get paid.

For specific information, contact an attorney licensed in your state. For a referral to an attorney, contact your local or state bar association. DO NOT go to a prepaid legal service. They generally can only help you if you are a subscriber BEFORE you need their help, and the person advertising same her is of questionable ethics.
they will probably send the mafia over to break your knee caps
Laws differ from State to state, so talk to a lawyer. It is always better to play it safe.
No one here can provide such advice. For you to take such advice would be foolish in the extreme. Find a local attorney or local legal service who is licensed to practice law in your locality.

No attorney of any note will provide such advice here. If you follow such advice and it goes wrong, you can sue them.
A lawyer is the best person for legal advice.
Try the sites below. The last one is a VERY affordable way to obtain an Attorney/Law Firm in your State. Hope this helps.

Legal Advice/Marital Advice?

I've posted about my marrital problems before, but things are only getting worse. Let me give you some background and then finish my question at the end. I really need some advice. And I don't need children responding or nonserious sarcastic responses please. This is a very serious situation for me.

I've been wondering for awhile if I'm just being too nice to my husband. I'm being perfectly honest and giving the full scenario. My husband and I have been married for six years and together over 7. We have one precious child. I was a stay at home Mom for 2.5 years and he works really hard outside the home. I already have one degree, but am going back to school to take it a little further now. I will have my BSN soon, which is very demanding. I go to school 4 days a week and work a part-time job on the weekends. We live fairly nicely and I don't want or need for much. I am highly educated, but have decided to stay home with our son as much as possible, and I did for my pregnancy and the first 2.5 years of our son's life. I clean the house top to bottom once a week, do all the laundry, iron my husband's clothes, lay his clothes out at night before bed so he has them ready in the morning, have a home cooked dinner on the table every night at 6:30 (except for Fridays), take care of all the finances, take care of the vehicles, arrange for the yard to be taken care of, take care of our two dogs, keep myself fit and nice looking, give him sex just about everytime he wants it, pack his lunch every night, and I get up at 4 every morning with him and make his breakfast. Plus, I study every evening and work 13 hours at the local hospital for rotations on Wednesday.

I WOULD NOT have a problem with this at all if I felt appreciated, but he doesn't. He does not say thank you and does nothing special for me ever. In the six years we've been married I've never even had an orgasm from him...I have to please myself. I would never ever cheat on him, so I just find ways to pleasure myself. He's not abusive or anything, but I just feel neglected.

We have gone to marriage counseling, sex therapy, discussed this many many times, and nothing gets better. In fact, it's getting worse.

I feel like he brings out the worst in me and I'm always irritated now. I have zero depression or anxiety by the way. I'm just at my witts end. I can't give or do anymore. The stress is starting to eat away at my body too. The doctors have told me this for the past two years too. Because of all of the demands, I don't get much sleep and I'm under constant stress. I'm starting to lose patches of my hair, have stomach ulcers, cystic acne, and heart problems. I've discussed this with my husband and he shows no concern. As a matter of fact, I was hospitalized back in April for a week and he never once came to see me at the hospital. I had to drive myself home actually. I have pretty major surgery too, but he never came up there.

He has also started fighting, professionally, just within the last two years. So, he drives to work first thing in the mornings, an hour away, then when he gets off work, he goes and trains. He doesn't get home until 9 at night almost every evening. I feel like a single parent. He has only given our 3 year old son 3 or 4 baths in his whole life. He is almost never home.

OH! And to top it off, we have slept in seperate beds for over a year. I have tried and tried and tried to get him to change and be more of a family man and a partner, but nothing changes. He just doesn't seem to understand he has a wife and child at home.

At any rate, without going on and on (because I could), I'm wondering if I should go ahead and seek legal advice and start my case against him? I have put this off for so long because of our son, but I'm beginning to realize my husband is never home anyway and I don't want our son thinking that this is what marriage is all about. Plus, I hate how he sees us arguing and how my husband talks down to me. I don't want him thinking that's how to treat someone you love.

The thing is, I can't go to school full time and afford this house and all of our bills. So, I'm going to have to wait to do the divorce completely until after I graduate in a year. But, I know it is going to be a fight. So, should I go ahead and start speaking with an attorney now?

And, for those of you who think I'm exagerating about what I do for him, or about the situation in general, I'm not. I'm being 100% honest. I have no reason to lie to anyone on here. I don't even know any of you.

I was raised that you take care of your husband no matter what, good ol' Southern girl. My parents have been married 30 years and my grandparents over 50. I took my vows to heart and never thought I'd ever be divorced. I just can't continue at this rate.

And for those of you wondering if I have told him what I want and need pertaining to sexual needs, I have...many times. He truly does not care that I don't get ofLegal Advice/Marital Advice?
I wouldn't delay consulting a divorce attorney. You can always pay a retainer now and get an initial consultation to weigh legal options, strategies and time lines for a separation and possible divorce without actually initiating divorce proceedings until a later date more ideal for you. If you take care of all the finances, it's unlikely he will be aware of what you are doing in case you change your mind or don't want to indirectly tip your hand about retaining an attorney in contemplation of a divorce. If nothing else, taking the proactive step might ease some of your stress and/or bring you closer to self-realization as to whether you really want and should file for divorce.

Notwithstanding your husbands claim that he wants to be a good husband and father, it appears that he is either not entirely sincere about that sentiment or his concept of what being a good husband and father is significantly different than yours. It could be that he thinks that being a good provider is all that is required and that in exchange for that he is entitled to everything you are providing for him and your child. If he grew up without a father and a saw his mother in numerous relationships that were abusive then the bar is probably set pretty low in his mind as to what being a good husband and father entails.

If he is incapable of change on this fundamental level, or not willing to change for you, then it seems like the two of you have irreconcilable differences as to what a marriage and family should be and you should probably eventually at least file for separation if not divorce. If that doesn't serve as an adequate motivation for him to change then you can move forward with divorce proceedings.

As an aside, as someone who trains with professional fighters, I can tell you that it's highly unlikely that he will ever be able to commit time to a first job and a professional fighting career without neglecting his responsibilties as a husband and a father. As long as that goes on, you are not likely to see any change regarding the amount of time he spends with you and your son.Legal Advice/Marital Advice?
You are being overly-understanding, and more than fair. Agree to seek marriage counselling together, and develop a mutual respect and more balanced relationship.
this seems like a tough situation, but you should always do what you think is best, even if that means to file for divorce. Before doing so, you should let him know that if he isn;t willing to change and start appreciating you and acting like a parent, then you would like to seek seperation. From their, his response should make your decision much easier. You have obviously gone on long enough with him acting this way. People always say ';don't stay together for the kids';, and they are right. You might only make it harder for your son if you try to make a shakey marriage work.
Sleeping apart is not a marriage, I think you'd be much happier if you file for a divorce, you've done all you can. And as a woman with NO kids who is commuting over 2 hours to school while working 2 part time jobs with a straight A average, I can tell you that you deserve A LOT of credit for this and deserve a better man. My bf does most of the dinners, cleans, does my laundry if he sees my hamper is full, and is totally supportive. Where this is obviously taking a physical toll on you, and you've tried everything else, I'd let him go, sounds like you do great on your own. good luck.
You need to see a attorney and find out what your options are. You must find a full time job. I can't believe you can put up with your husband for another year. What would happen to your child if something happened to you.? Your education has to go on the back burner for now, your health and the welfare of your child have to come first. Life is much too vaulable to live it the way you have. Best of luck to you.
PS. HE IS NOT teaching your son what family is all about.that is not what family is all about. It might just be a way of manipulating you to stay with him. Have a talk with him and tell him what you said and tell him that you feel he is just being a roommate, etc., and not like family. Have him see the situation through someone your eyes, tell him you'll give him a last shot, and see if anything changes. If not, I would say to move on. Show him that you are serious.

Honey, look from someone else's point of view at this whole situation. You are stuck and you are reluctant, maybe even scared, to get out of this relationship, which is harming you to the point where it is causing you heart problems!!! Do you really still want to be stuck in this situation for the rest of your life? I doubt there's going to be change, but if you realize that he's really sincere and tries really hard to change, then i think you should give it another shot.

If i were a guy, i would dream to be your wife! You sound so devoted and wonderful! I'm so sorry that you have to go through all of this. I totally believe you.

He sounds to me like he's trying to run away from you for some odd reason. He sounds like he doesn't want to have a relationship, period! You've done all you can, and i think that the best thing to do now is to move on. You need to have a normal life. You can't continue being in this. It's hurting you badly.This is NOT what i would call a marriage! I would say contact an attourney and just end this relationship, and start a fresh, new life. Don't keep on waiting.

For the sake of your child, i would recommend hiring a divorce mediator to make it a peaceful divorce.

And in the meantime, you need to take care of yourself and get away. I would suggest going to some friends for a while, get yourself to a spa and/or a manicure and pedicure, talk to a therapist so that you could have someone to pour out your heart to instead of keeping it in, and go take walks with your son and bond with him and have a talk with him about everything. But you need to get away it's extremely unhealthy for both of you!!!

Also, ONE question: I was wondering if your husband came from a broken home or grew up without love? If he did, then that shows outright why he is like that. Children who grow up a certain way may reflect other behaviors in the future with their own family (not there is any excuse for certain behaviors).
  • mor
  • I'm in need of legal advice.?

    My husband is was jumped by 3 guys last night. Two of which were much larger then him. Thing is my husband is on probation and it happened after his curfew. What should we do? Should we press charges? Does anyone know if he'll get in trouble for his curfew violation? I was going to a friend's (well ex friend now) house to pick up some stuff and my husband came with so I wouldn't be alone and 3 guys were waiting for him and two girls were gonna jump me. So any advice?I'm in need of legal advice.?
    just say it happened earlier than his curfew....well maybe not they might have an alibi for an earlier time not sure ......they do give you those curfews for a reason you know.....I'm in need of legal advice.?
    He will git in trouble for curfew but if he never violated before they might give him a worming


    I live in an apt. bldg. in NJ %26amp; today my Mom who cares for my son while I work, took my 14 month old son for a ride in the stroller in the hallway as she's done many times before. It just so happened that while she was going up %26amp; down the hallway, the apt. rental manager came to the floor to show a couple an apt. that was vacant %26amp; ready to be rented. While she was around, my son started to cry and make some noise and then the apt. manager ordered my Mom to go back into her apt. otherwise she would call the cops because according to her, the hallway was not a playground %26amp; we were disrupting the other tenants. I should mention, this happened at 4:00 pm on a weekday while most people are at work. I don't know much about laws but is this harrasment? Can the cops really do something to me? My son sometimes cries while out in the hallway but it is nothing ear-piercing. He only really cries when we stop the stroller because he likes the ride or when we're about to go back inside the aptI AM FUMING! I NEED LEGAL ADVICE PLEASE!! Read on...?
    no, there is nothing that the law can do to you because it's not against the law. i could understand if you had your multiple older children running up and down the hallway, but that's not the case. i would go talk to the manager and tell them that you do not appreciated them talking to your mother this way and if they have a problem with you or your son to take it up with you. if they really want to press the issue tell them that you are not above calling them in for harassment and discrimination.I AM FUMING! I NEED LEGAL ADVICE PLEASE!! Read on...?
    I think the apt. manager was within her rights to request that your mother take your son into the apartment. Clearly, there were safety concerns, and the manager was absolutely correct in asserting that the hallway was not a play area, but a common area intended as a means of passage and egress to and from residences.

    I see no harrassment by the apt. manager.

    Also, I see nothing requiring the intervention of law enforcement.

    There really is no legal issue here.
    No, the cops can't do anything because it's not against the law to walk in the hallway of your own building. He was just trying to look big and bad in front of potential renters. I say F' him. I'd actually be sure to walk the baby tomorrow.
    First off the cops cannot do anything and they would not do anything, they would laugh at whom ever reported it. Yes that is harassment. You son can cry as loudly as he damned well pleases. But however she has a point when she says that your not allowed to play in the hall way or even loiter. But other than that you can tell her to take a hike. Remember that it's mostly ignorant childless people who have problems with crying kids.
    I would ignore unless it happens again.

    She was obviously trying to make a sale and thought the new people might assume crying babies hang out in the hall.

    She was being rude, but I think you should let it go....

    If someone says this to your mom again then think about complaining. By bringing it up you just call attention to it.

    I think your mom should just continue like before. Like you said halls usually empty.....
    no, there is nothing that the cops can do to you. they may tell you to avoid doing it or something to avoid trouble, but that is about it. they cant make you stop. did she do this while the other couple was there, cause i think if i was checking out the apartment and saw the manager be so rude to one of the residents, i would think twice about renting there.

    i would suggest talking to the manager and telling her you didnt appreciate the way that she spoke to your mother. tell her it was rude, and a simple polite request would have been enough. let her know that if she continues this sort of harrassment, than you may take action against her. you pay to rent your apartment, and that includes some use of the hallway.

    i can understand if your son was running around, toys strewn everywhere, than she might have had a case. but she cant stop a person pushing a pram in the hall.
    They can't call the cops on you but the manager can tell anyone to go inside their apartment if they are being loud. My apartment doesn't allow any noise in the hallways or patios either. There are lots of babies and I've never heard any of them which is great. Apartments should be kept as quiet as possible with so many people having to do different things in there lives. You never know, your child could be crying next to an apartment where someone works nights.
    Nope, nothing he can do... shame on him.. You may want to look into a different apartment though.. just check it out because you should not have to worry about your kids being yelled at by some asshole. Quick story.. my daughter was 10 months old, we caught a train to go visit my folks, it was midnight, and my daughter screamed the entire ride.. (stomach ache, she used to get them a lot) all these people were pissed at me. One person even suggested I give my baby to him for the duration of the ride... hahaahaha.. I understand and sympathize with them, but by the same token, they needed to just chalk that up as a night to remember on the train. Kids are wonderful.. a blessing.. Your Mr Landlord should ask his own mom what kind of things he did in public too. Don't worry, not a thing he can do.
    I say good for the apartment manager. What about the people who are not at work at 4:00? Say the guy that works all night and sleeps during the day? What if at 4:00 a.m. there was someone out in the hall making noise? You'd be upset, right? And she was right, the hallway is not a playground - why not walk your kid around in the stroller inside your own apartment, or outside, or at the mall? I don't think the cops could do anything, but I think people (especially with whiny kids) should be more considerate of people who do not - hence, the couple that got kicked off the airplane when their whiny kid wouldn't shut up - it's about time.
    To me it sounds like the apt. mgr is a little power mad-

    Nothing can be done to you or your child just because he cried. Tell her to go ahead and call the cops, then stand by and listen as she is laughed off the phone!
    I can understand your position, especially in the winter, but I used to live somewhere that people did that with their kids and it aggravated me a lot. They let their kids run around in the hallways like a playground, or walked them up and down crying, or hung out in the stairway near my apartment, and it was quite an intrusion on my rights to some peace and quiet within my home. I never did/said anything about it, but it took some patience on my part to put up with it.
    that was really rude of her to do. i'm not sure if you can do anything legally but you should be able to file a complaint against her with the people who own the apt building. on top of this i would call the cops where you are and ask them what else you could do. i really don't like people like this. hope this helps. good luck.
    Calm down, mom! You are getting second-hand information and your mom/caregiver may have exaggerated just a wee bit when she said he ';ordered'; her around. By saying this, she may have been wanting to show you just how hard she works for you under any circumstance. People do that if they're insecure and even moms can be insecure.She wants you to know just how much she endures for you - her baby. If you make this into a big issue, you will only cause problems for you and the landlord and for your child when he is out of her care. Really. Calm down. Zone out. Have a cuppa tea, assure your mom that she is very much appreciated and that you are sorry if she had a stressful day. Then forgeddaboudit!!! Life is too short to sweat the small stuff and, as a working mom, you have much bigger things on your plate.
    I don't think you can legally do anything. I would just move if I were you.
    maybe you should call the non-emergency police line and ask them. I've called a few times to find out what they can and can not do. becareful though not to push to many buttons and get evicted.
    you can sue him... if you pay the rent... then you should be able to cry where ever you want to.. but if you are disturbing someone.. then they can call the police
    The cops can't do anything, she's being ridiculous. If I were you, I would call the the apartment manager directlly and tell her that your mom told you there was a problem and you would like to discuss it with her. Stand firm, ask her where does it say you can't have your child in the stroller in the hallway for a few minutes.
    I would tell her to call the cops and proudly stand there and wait for them with the baby.I used to be an Apartment Manager in Ga., so the laws are probably different, but the family housing laws are federal. They cannot tell you that you can't be outside in the hallway. What I would do is call her boss and threaten a lawsuit. Your baby is a person too.
    They cannot do crap. You pay rent, therefore that is your residence. Now if you child were running the halls at 4 am and tenants called the police, then yes they can do something. It would be disturbing the peace, but since no one has complained and it was 4 in the afternoon there is nothing he can do.

    Legal advice on marraige? nice advice only ?

    i need some legal advice on marraige .

    i got married july just gone . he was being a real nasty man to me playing with my mind and abstainibg sex etc making me think it was all my fault when i was just being the perfect housewife . cooking cleaning childcare . i told him to change or the wedding is off he changed for a while once we got married he got worse and worse again once i got pregnant which he wanted this child as well as he asked for a baby .

    my flat is rented by the council in my name as he moved in with me and my 3 year old child (she was 1 at the time when he moved in)

    all the stuff in my flat was bought before i met him too . now last night i gave him 4 month to change his ways ..

    do you have any advice on what i can do legally ? as i know i have full rights to the flat and contents . any help and advise will be good also i live in ukLegal advice on marraige? nice advice only ?
    take things easy, ensure that all your belongings will be yours then act accordingly.

    don't discuss with him any financial issues now, later just give him a hint that he should move out and see his reaction...zLegal advice on marraige? nice advice only ?
    He's abusive. Emotional abuse can be worst that physical. In regarding to legal rights, you should talk to an attorney ASAP. In regarding to handle out an abusive partner, you can learn tips and easy to follow directions in a book called Taking Power in an Abusive Relationship by Agata Campos. It really helped me to successful live abuse free.
    I think four months is too long. He's done this before.

    Give him maybe a week, and if he doesn't shape up, make him find somewhere else to stay while you work things out. Separation can be a powerful motivator.

    Just a note - you didn't mention any violence, but my advice is different in that situation. It would be make a plan, doen't tell him, leave while he's gone, leave no trace...

    YOU WANT LEGAL ADVICE';for as a Husband / as a Friend. if you don't love him anymore' i mean really if you don't love him anymore. when you up to a point that you can't pretend anymore JUST KICK HIM OUT. enough of warnings.

    good luck
    first right off, get a good lawyer , they can make you or brake you, have all your ducks in a row, lay it all out on the line, go for child support, and first and foremost look out for you and your children.
    the only legal advise i've got 4 you is plz consult a lawyer u need proffesional help @ d moment.
    For any one thinking about marriage what the hell is the rush. Test drive for a bit what does it hurt.
    The violence is coming girl. Kick him out now before he hurts you physically, or worse, your daughter!
    My suggestion is to stop by a legal office and talking to them about what you need to do to cover your end if this gets ugly. Advice is usually free and in this case, because it sounds like it will be ugly it may be more important then ever. So if this is the direction you want to go in, ask the lawyer about all the steps you need to take prior to pulling the trigger which will keep you on track and safe.

    Lastly, no flat is worth putting yourself at risk which includes your child, and if this person is someone who might get physical, have someone there with you when you do the deed. Remember, even good people make bad decisions in the heat of the moment so knowing your rights and what directions are available to you is only going to help you in the end. But don't spell it out like that to him. I can't say that we would like knowing you were shopping around for info on how to pull the plug.

    Good luck and be safe.

    Legal Advice Please??!!?

    Ok so I made the mistake of having an underage drinking party at my house. I dont need lectures on why this is wrong ok, thanks. Anyway at the end of the party there were like two huge bags of beer and stuff. I had nowhere to put it so I freaked out cuz my parents were coming home and I had to get rid of it. I through it in the back of my car and dumped it in a school parking lot. Only problem some guy was yelling at me and Im worried he got my plates. So if he did whats gonna happen and when? and how much trouble am I gonna get in. Ive never been in trouble with law before. help im so f'in nervous.Legal Advice Please??!!?
    Don't woory nothing will happen. I really doubt that guy really cares, but he could report you to the school , and then you may be suspended. Next time dump all of that stuff in a dumpster behind a grocery store, mall or target not just in a school parking lot, not the best idea. Don't be nervous you will be fine.Legal Advice Please??!!?
    If the guy works for the school and got a glimpse of your car/plates the one or more of the following could happen come monday at school.

    1. You'll be suspended for having alcohol on school property.

    2. If an investigation is done and your party is found, you will go to jail for being the party that provides alcohol to minors. If anyone left your party and did anything stupid, You will be held responsible for that as well. For allowing them to get drunk and then not keeping them safe. As a bar tender will tell you. They are legally responsible for your condition when you leave. In some jurisdictions, bar tenders / bars can face HUGE fines for allowing people to leave beyond legally drunk.

    3. If you get really lucky you just might be a little more popular in school for the party. But i wouldn't count on it.

    4. I would come clean with your parents, face the music and just don't do anything stupid again. Party after your 18, and only with people over the age of 18. That way, no one can get in trouble for somebody elses crap.

    Legal advice for Underage Drinking Charge?

    I have court coming up on the 22nd. I live in Hamilton COunty, Indiana. Underage drinking is a Class C (the lowest) misdemeanor here. According to my public defedor I will have to take an alchohol class and do 6mo probation...problem is usually I have to pay court costs within 30days of being sentenced and Im not going to have the money. Does anyone know anything I can say to the judge for him to let me pay over a longer period of time?Legal advice for Underage Drinking Charge?
    I live in Indiana. More than likely, the judge is NOT going to grant an extension. Why? For one, s/he will inform you to get a job or a second job, stop spending money on 'luxury' items, etc.

    Legal advice about a ';stolen'; muscle car?

    Legal advice about a ';stolen'; muscle car?

    Okay lets start from the top-

    My Russell worked with a guy named Brendon. Brendon inherited from grandma an old 69 Ford XL 429 thunderjet cruisomatic ford nine inch all together origional motor 49 thou origional miles, doesnt run last licensed in 80'. Russell bought it and recieved a complete bill of sale, an open title from brendon, new license plates in return for $250 for the car. LEGAL- no problems there

    Then- Russell sold the car to his fathers friend/co worker Darnel for $1000 and he got the car the open title fron Brendon, and the new plates.

    The car was stored out in the boondocks at Darnel's Best friends shop and house, he is named Joe

    On joe's property are many valuable but unrestored classic and muscle cars

    The property is owned by joe but darnel is ';partners'; with Joe

    one day darnel decides to go around joe and try to buy some of Joes almost purchased land for himself

    Now joe and darnel hate eachother and wanna kill eachother- literally

    joe begins selling all of darnels cars out of spite, joe says they are his cause they are on his property and Abandoned

    learning this Russel doesnt want his car to disappear to some random person some random place in state or further, knowing joe will sell the car with darnels permission or not, and Russel's prized find will be gone forever

    so russel agrees with joe to trade a ford truck to joe for the ford car

    russel draws up a bill of sale but forgets to have joe sign

    ps the ford truck is legally owned by russels best friend stamm, stamm bought the truck for russel when he couldnt afford it and now russel just owes stamm $400 some time later for the truck, no big deal

    HOWEVER the bill of sale given to joe is from stamm to joe stating the truck in trade for the car

    russel takes posession of the car and several days later confronts darnel for the title and plates

    darnel states that the car is legally his and that russel should never have made a deal with joe for something that doesnt belong to him, darnel says that he could call the cops for russel having posession of his stolen car, darnel says to go get your truck back but nothing is specifically mentioned about the car

    ps darnel is _friends_ with a repo man....

    so russel goes to the court house and discovers lazy darnel never registered the title in his name, in fact the legal owner is Brendon who is in jail/gone from town

    so russel finds his bill of sale from brendon and consults a lawyer, lawyer says get a title and the car is legally yours, and , well hold on one sec...

    so russel goes to the court house and gets the papers for a bonded title and gets a 40 day sticker for the car, the lawyer said with these things on record if darnel tried to register the car then the court house people would note the records already on file for russel

    russel goes to brendons last known residence to no avail, fills out the bonded paperwork, and has the car inspected by a police officer as per requirements of the bonded title

    russel goes back to the court house and recieves new license plates registration for the car, and a title will come in the mail in a couple weeks, the car is legally russels

    russel is still intimidated from hard feelings from darnel, who is his dads friend/co worker

    russel wants no hard feelings and wants darnel to seek his retribution through joe in court etc, cause thats what darnel will have to do anyway for the rest of his many cars already sold and long GONE

    Russel really needs help/advice, russel is afraid darnel might do something to the ford or other cars he owns, (darnel threw a bucket of nails all over joes drive way, darnel is also a shady weed dealer..) Russel is 19, please help =(

    Legal advice about a ';stolen'; muscle car?
    Write a script for Law and Order and I'll watch it then. It won't take as long as trying to follow all that.
  • mor
  • Legal Advice Please??!!?

    Ok so I made the mistake of having an underage drinking party at my house. I dont need lectures on why this is wrong ok, thanks. Anyway at the end of the party there were like two huge bags of beer and stuff. I had nowhere to put it so I freaked out cuz my parents were coming home and I had to get rid of it. I through it in the back of my car and dumped it in a school parking lot. Only problem some guy was yelling at me and Im worried he got my plates. So if he did whats gonna happen and when? and how much trouble am I gonna get in. Ive never been in trouble with law before. help im so f'in nervous.Legal Advice Please??!!?
    Don't woory nothing will happen. I really doubt that guy really cares, but he could report you to the school , and then you may be suspended. Next time dump all of that stuff in a dumpster behind a grocery store, mall or target not just in a school parking lot, not the best idea. Don't be nervous you will be fine.Legal Advice Please??!!?
    If the guy works for the school and got a glimpse of your car/plates the one or more of the following could happen come monday at school.

    1. You'll be suspended for having alcohol on school property.

    2. If an investigation is done and your party is found, you will go to jail for being the party that provides alcohol to minors. If anyone left your party and did anything stupid, You will be held responsible for that as well. For allowing them to get drunk and then not keeping them safe. As a bar tender will tell you. They are legally responsible for your condition when you leave. In some jurisdictions, bar tenders / bars can face HUGE fines for allowing people to leave beyond legally drunk.

    3. If you get really lucky you just might be a little more popular in school for the party. But i wouldn't count on it.

    4. I would come clean with your parents, face the music and just don't do anything stupid again. Party after your 18, and only with people over the age of 18. That way, no one can get in trouble for somebody elses crap.

    Legal advice for Underage Drinking Charge?

    I have court coming up on the 22nd. I live in Hamilton COunty, Indiana. Underage drinking is a Class C (the lowest) misdemeanor here. According to my public defedor I will have to take an alchohol class and do 6mo probation...problem is usually I have to pay court costs within 30days of being sentenced and Im not going to have the money. Does anyone know anything I can say to the judge for him to let me pay over a longer period of time?Legal advice for Underage Drinking Charge?
    I live in Indiana. More than likely, the judge is NOT going to grant an extension. Why? For one, s/he will inform you to get a job or a second job, stop spending money on 'luxury' items, etc.

    Legal advice about a ';stolen'; muscle car?

    Legal advice about a ';stolen'; muscle car?

    Okay lets start from the top-

    My Russell worked with a guy named Brendon. Brendon inherited from grandma an old 69 Ford XL 429 thunderjet cruisomatic ford nine inch all together origional motor 49 thou origional miles, doesnt run last licensed in 80'. Russell bought it and recieved a complete bill of sale, an open title from brendon, new license plates in return for $250 for the car. LEGAL- no problems there

    Then- Russell sold the car to his fathers friend/co worker Darnel for $1000 and he got the car the open title fron Brendon, and the new plates.

    The car was stored out in the boondocks at Darnel's Best friends shop and house, he is named Joe

    On joe's property are many valuable but unrestored classic and muscle cars

    The property is owned by joe but darnel is ';partners'; with Joe

    one day darnel decides to go around joe and try to buy some of Joes almost purchased land for himself

    Now joe and darnel hate eachother and wanna kill eachother- literally

    joe begins selling all of darnels cars out of spite, joe says they are his cause they are on his property and Abandoned

    learning this Russel doesnt want his car to disappear to some random person some random place in state or further, knowing joe will sell the car with darnels permission or not, and Russel's prized find will be gone forever

    so russel agrees with joe to trade a ford truck to joe for the ford car

    russel draws up a bill of sale but forgets to have joe sign

    ps the ford truck is legally owned by russels best friend stamm, stamm bought the truck for russel when he couldnt afford it and now russel just owes stamm $400 some time later for the truck, no big deal

    HOWEVER the bill of sale given to joe is from stamm to joe stating the truck in trade for the car

    russel takes posession of the car and several days later confronts darnel for the title and plates

    darnel states that the car is legally his and that russel should never have made a deal with joe for something that doesnt belong to him, darnel says that he could call the cops for russel having posession of his stolen car, darnel says to go get your truck back but nothing is specifically mentioned about the car

    ps darnel is _friends_ with a repo man....

    so russel goes to the court house and discovers lazy darnel never registered the title in his name, in fact the legal owner is Brendon who is in jail/gone from town

    so russel finds his bill of sale from brendon and consults a lawyer, lawyer says get a title and the car is legally yours, and , well hold on one sec...

    so russel goes to the court house and gets the papers for a bonded title and gets a 40 day sticker for the car, the lawyer said with these things on record if darnel tried to register the car then the court house people would note the records already on file for russel

    russel goes to brendons last known residence to no avail, fills out the bonded paperwork, and has the car inspected by a police officer as per requirements of the bonded title

    russel goes back to the court house and recieves new license plates registration for the car, and a title will come in the mail in a couple weeks, the car is legally russels

    russel is still intimidated from hard feelings from darnel, who is his dads friend/co worker

    russel wants no hard feelings and wants darnel to seek his retribution through joe in court etc, cause thats what darnel will have to do anyway for the rest of his many cars already sold and long GONE

    Russel really needs help/advice, russel is afraid darnel might do something to the ford or other cars he owns, (darnel threw a bucket of nails all over joes drive way, darnel is also a shady weed dealer..) Russel is 19, please help =(

    Legal advice about a ';stolen'; muscle car?
    Write a script for Law and Order and I'll watch it then. It won't take as long as trying to follow all that.

    Legal advice required in Ireland...landlord-tenant?

    Hi there - I need some advice urgently pls,preferably from a legal professional.I rent a shop in Ireland and due to poor turnover,am trying to sell the lease to another tenant.Having finally found a buyer,however,my landlord has refused to allow this new tenant to takeover the lease!!I dont know how to get out of this sinkhole - I am losing money everyday and I jus dont know how to get out of this mess!Pls,is there anything I can do?I think the landlord is greedy+want me to yield up the property to them - but I cant do that cos I need money! Pls help!!

    :-(Legal advice required in Ireland...landlord-tenant?
    Hi Mr. actually am not a legal adviser but i think that you have to choices as follows:

    1- you tell your landlord that you will not leave the shop unless you sail it because this is a commercial unit and not a residential one and this is your right by the lay but you are ready to bay him his rent upon agreed.

    2- send your case to the municipality of your aria

    i think this is the solution of my opinion, good luck

    Thank yoou for my 2 answers.. I need legal advice on tenant rights.?

    But where is the question?Thank yoou for my 2 answers.. I need legal advice on tenant rights.?
    Sue them.

    Sue them all.Thank yoou for my 2 answers.. I need legal advice on tenant rights.?
    There's tons of information on this site:鈥?/a>

    Hope it helps
    you should be able to pick up a book on landlord/tenant rights

    at you local magistrate courts office. that where i got mine.

    it is loaded with info that will be helpful to you.

    Good Legal Advice?

    A doctor and a lawyer were talking at a party. Their conversation was constantly interrupted by people describing their ailments and asking the doctor for free medical advice.

    After an hour of this, the exasperated doctor asked the lawyer, ';What do you do to stop people from asking you for legal advice when you're out of the office?';

    ';I give it to them,'; replied the lawyer, ';and then I send them a bill.';

    The doctor was shocked, but agreed to give it a try.

    The next day, still feeling slightly guilty, the doctor prepared the bills.

    When he went to place them in his mailbox, he found a bill from the lawyer.Good Legal Advice?
    ROFL!!!! That's another good one! Have a star! XDGood Legal Advice?
    too good
    Yep! Avaricious is what they are! LOL.
    thats typical of the lawyers boooo hissss lawyers
    Very good, thanks for the laugh.

    Have a good day.
    Another good joke. Thanks for the laugh!
    Thanks for a great job:) Here is star for you. Thanks for a good laugh this morning:):)


    good one
    Now that's a good one! Thanks for the laugh! CJ
    I like that one...funny, funny!
    Rofl! thats great!
    very funny...billed and starred
    nice ;p lol

    ha ha ha ha ha just snorted with laughter!! very good indeed!
  • mor
  • Legal Advice about tips?

    I work for a corporate restaurant that I think is doing illegal things. They used to make the servers tip out the kitchen staff, but by California law you can't tip out staff that doesn't have a certain percentage of time with the guests and the kitchen staff has 0% of time with guests. The servers no longer tip out the kitchen, but they did for years. The servers also used to tip out other back of the house staff, but since the law about the kitchen staff also applies to the back of the house staff too, they no longer tip out the other back of the house staff. Now, the servers fill out a time in and time out sheet and initial it. This means that if the staff member came in at 3:58, but was scheduled at 4:00, the managers will change the clock in time to 4:00. This all seems shady to me. How could the staff go about getting back the money that they used to illegally have to tip out to the kitchen and back of the house staff? And who do I contact about notifying the proper authorities about how things are being run at this establishment?Legal Advice about tips?
    if you show up early but are not yet working, you want to be paid? is that what I hear you saying? why not come in at breakfast time and hang out and demand to be paid too?Legal Advice about tips?
    You would contact the State Board of Labor.

    Legal advice needed? vendor threatening for joining client.?

    I signed a NonCompetition form at job interview with a vendor. My employer cheated me and didnot file visa extension. Fortunately Client filed a visa for me and got it.

    Now vendor is threatening to sue me for $25000 or asking to pay $10000(out of court)based on the form I signed. The form says I cannot join Client before 1 year of termination.

    I need advice. Do I have a choice??, I cannot afford a lawyer or pay that much. Legal advice needed? vendor threatening for joining client.?
    He can sue over anything.whether he wins or not in another matter. You are in a very gray area and should get competent Lawyer This site may help you鈥?/a> it was very interesting

    Need legal advice ASAP! Please help!?

    Ok, I got punched in the face, total cheap shot. The guy was charged with battery and has court in September. I had to go to the hospital. Now, I went to the police station today and the report I received does not reflect everything I seems as if the cop made stuff up...not sure why? I didn't say some stuff in there and some stuff is untrue. What do I do? much could I sue this guy for in civil court?Need legal advice ASAP! Please help!?
    The defense attorney may ask you to explain the discrepancies between what you say in court and what is on the police report, assuming the case actually goes to trial. Most likely, the defendant will plea to a lesser charge to avoid a trial. Just be clear about what happened and explain the police report is not accurate. Keep your story consistent. As for a civil suit, all you are likely to get is you medical bills paid and maybe a couple hundred bucks for pain and suffering. You can file yourself at your local court or you can hire an attorney who can better advise you as to how much to sue for but don't expect to make any money off the situation because you probably won't, especially after paying for a lawyer.Need legal advice ASAP! Please help!?
    Get a pro-bono lawyer in your city. take them all the paperwork, keep track of names, dates, receipts, take notes of everything pertaining to this situation, most of all be honest.

    Legal advice wanted regarding a 12 year old.?

    Hi. hope someone can help with this problem. What is the course of action to take regarding a 12 year old girl whose mother lets her do anything she wants to even stopping out late at night. The mother has said she cannot cope with her but then refuses help from the father. The mother is not with the father, but the father a few years ago got Social Services involved regarding her upbringing and basically they said that she was looked after okay and in future not to contact them again unless someone legal is involved. Now the time has come and the father is loath to contact Social Services as they were pretty useless last time as I have said. Is there any other course of action to take as the father would dearly love to have his daughter and to try and bring her up properly, if the damage is not already done. Any help would be appreciated thanks.Legal advice wanted regarding a 12 year old.?
    Perhaps the father should step up and file for custody.Legal advice wanted regarding a 12 year old.?
    if there really is things going on that concerns that father and hes sure of it talk to a private investigator who will produce pictures tapes so he can have solid proff of what hes saying without solid proff your out of luck . if the private investigator can not come up with anything you will find there is nothing really going on there just another parent trying to make the other look bad i have seen this before so what im saying is if something really is going on there that should not be they are trained to find photograph and Video tape and will also be a outside source with nothing to gain that a court will value what they say
    Grandma - MYOB. i know she is ur grand daughter but if your son wants something done about it let him do it himself. its not ur responsibility and u will end up causing more family drama;鈥?/a>
    the father needs to have concrete proof that what the mother is doing is illegal or detrimental to the welfare of the child. without proof, the court will not even consider switching custody. if money isn't a problem, you might be able to get a judge to order mental inquests for both the mother and daughter, which may shed some light on their mental health status and might lead to a reason for the child to be removed from her mother's custody. otherwise, most states side with the mother. you have to be able to prove there is wrong doing or abuse, or that the child is constantly in trouble directly related to something the mother is doing. other than that, i would say you are SOL
    the child's father needs to contact Social Services. If he is unhappy with their response he needs to make a formal complaint and he should request a complaints leaflet from them. Social Services are legally bound to investigate all complaints and act upon them accordingly. Social Services do not work alone, under a big umbrella they work jointly with police, health professionals etc. Other than that dad should apply for custody if he feels his daughter is technically doing her own thing. Social Services would have to become involved via the instruction of the court and by one way or another it should be sorted out.
    For the father to apply for custody now he has to show that the mother is an unfit person. This can be difficult and expensive. The father needs to consult a family affairs specialist solicitor. CAB should be able to recommend one.
    Social Services is the proper channel. They will not get involved in a domestic dispute but they will intervene if the girl is suffering emotional neglect. Following the fall-out of the Baby P case, they are now more likely to take action.
    like the old song.....''north to NEBRASKA'' in about 3 days the law will change when you can drop off a kid questions axked.....there ya go
    Inform the Social Services that this girl is exposed to moral danger, maybe that will get a result.
    after the baby p thing ,im sure the SS will help

    Legal advice needed?

    recently my MIL died very suddenly, there was no preperation time, she had 1200.00 in the bank in a savings account heres the issue she had no one elses name on the account so the bank states we have to go to court and be appointed executer to the will. With this Title (executer) are we then responcable for the medical bills that were not covered by her insurance. Ok if we do not go after that money where will it go? to her bills or lost in to the state.Legal advice needed?
    Your best bet is to ask this question in the Law and Ethics category.

    Good Luck!!!Legal advice needed?
    the laws vary from state to state so check out your yellow pages for a legal consultant.
    Ask a lawyer not us.
    the money will be given in trust to whoever the state decides to name executor ,most times it a lawyer firm picked at random and they charge a big fee to do this ,so the money will go to them

    right a way. unless a family member take responsibility.

    and files for trustee.
    to the state.

    Legal advice?

    My parents were just recently hit by a drunk driver, they are fine but they can't drive their car, the back-side is smashed in. They had it towed to the repair shop, they won't have thier car for two weeks. Both my parents work really far from where they live. They need a rental car, but I think it's wrong for them to pay for it, I think the drunk who smashed their brand new car should pay. How would they go about getting her to pay for it? She has horrible insurance.Legal advice?
    I recommend you have them contact a personal injury lawyer in your area. You can look in the phone book, get a referral from someone who knows attorneys in your area, websites like or contact your county bar association.

    Personal injury lawyers usually work on what is called contingency which means they don't charge legal fees unless they recover for you. If they recover, they will take a percentage of any monetary recovery, which is usually around a third, minus the costs.

    Good luck and glad your parents are ok.Legal advice?
    wow, sorry but, you'd have to be more indepth. what angle the drunk driver was coming from, what speed your parents were going, was there an intersection? if so, what kind? there's just so many things you got to take into consideration. and keep in mind that most of car insurance today only covers certain stuff. so far, from what your telling me. nobody has done nothing wrong except the drunk driver for being drunk. a Ddriver can hit you and it can still be legal.
    Does the person responsible for the accident have insurance? If he does not, does he own any real estate or investments? Does he have a large income? If the answer to the above questions is no, do not bother to sue. You may win a judgment against him but you will not be able to collect on it. Do your parents have collision insurance? That insurance might pay.
  • mor
  • Legal Advice?

    My father was diagnosed with Ahlziemers last year and he refused to stop working. Well, He has been doing things here and there that arent really appropriate. Like shooting the building with a paintball gun.... and today he spray painted a rebel flag on a rock. they had a meeting with him today and told him they were terminating him and that he will not get a dime of money. he is three years away from retirement. They said he could resign and they would put it on his record but he still wouldnt receive his pension. He lost his retirement, life insurance and benefits. We know his actions are do to the Alhziemers because hes worked there for 25 years and was always one of there best! is there anything we can do?Legal Advice?
    I'm afraid that he probably has no recourse against them for terminating him. It may not be legal for them to fire him for his illness, but it is legal for them to fire him due to his actions. You can't blame them for being concerned about liability issues. Even if you could somehow overturn their decision to terminate him, it's not likely that they would allow this to continue for three more years.

    It sounds like you have a good claim for disability benefits, but I don't see much more you can do.Legal Advice?
    Sue the employer for age discrimination. In family court, get someone named guardian and have him committed to an Alzheimer's hospital if he cannot control himself.

    Legal Advice?

    I had received a letter from a National Loan Servicing Center stating that I owe the college I recently graduated from $850.88 and I tried to get into the Navy and the Chief called the college that Irecently graduted from and someone told him in Finacial Aid that I did graduate but I owe the college $5000 and I told him that that cannot be right I told him that I had received a letter from a loan company that I only owe the college that I had attend $850.88 for tuition and I contacted the school where I had graduated from and someone told me in Finacial Aid that they was not aware of the loan and I contacted the loan company and someone told me that I had signed the contact with someone in Finacial Aid in November and I had told someone that that is a lie and someone from the school that I was attending signed my name and I was not aware of it In this situation what should I do?Legal Advice?
    First of all get a notebook and make sure you keep a list of the names and numbers of the people you talk to. If you can, dig up all the paperwork you can and keep it all in one place. Is there a way that you can get a copy of that contract someone else may have signed? Do you know about how much you should owe? I wouldn't pay the loan company until I get it straight with the college.

    Need legal advice?

    How can I have things rermoved from record?

    I got arrested on a charge of dissordally conduct and pleaid guilty

    when I went to sentancing they the proscuter brung up a carying a concealed weapon and assulting a police officer charge that I had been foung not guilty of .This charge was also fifteen years old.How in the world is this on my record when I was found not guilty and how do i get rid of it.

    This thing being on my record made me look realy bad in front of the judge and I was pretty much nailed to the cross for the new charge this realy sucks . I thought that if you didn't do it that they could not bring it up. Is their a way to fix this .I feel this has got to be uncontitutional....Need legal advice?
    You should see a lawyer in the state that the charge occurred and inquire into the possibility of getting it expunged. The laws vary form state to state.Need legal advice?
    I went through this and u can only have it expunged at the time of ur trial! If not there isn't anything u can do!
    Call your local police station. They'll be able to help you regarding the process. The process as well as the cost may differ from state to state.

    In my state,you do have to stay ';out of trouble'; for a certain length of time. Once that time requirement is met, you would go to the state Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI) and get a complete list of all your convictions (at least the ones after you turned 18). The BCI may charge a small fee for this information.

    Then you go to each court you've been convicted in, and petition for permission to get an expungement. Be sure to explain why you feel you need, want, deserve the expungement. Again, there may be a filing fee.

    Each judge will decide whether they feel it's appropriate. If the judge gives you permission, you should get a letter to that effect. Take that letter back to the BCI, and they will process the request. I'm not sure if a charge is required when submitting this information, but...

    Thirty days later-- Ta-Dah! your record is clean!!
    I believe you have to call your state corrections department and find out what you have to do. Each state is different, so you have to find out the ways to do it in your state. Usually, you have to get a form you fill out, get info from the police station you were arrested at, get all the records that pertain to what you want expunged, then apply to the courts to have it done. I don't know how much it costs, but I'm passing this question on to a friend who is trying to get the same thing done for her husband. Her name is Annie, so she may answer your question with more info then I have.
    next time you go to the court room.... go topless....i think it might just work.

    hell i would let you off the hook.
    Yes you can. It varies from state to state on length of time but usually you have had to have NO other arrests, or been in trouble, meaning rearrested for a time period. Usually from 5-7 years.

    If you have ever had your record exspunged before, you will not get it again.

    Get an attorney, and dont go it alone. Attorneys are usually better than you could be trying to do it yourself, but you can file on your own. Go up to your local court house and ask the Clerk of Courts office there for an exspungment affidavit. You may also want to go to the local Police Dept, and ask them to print out a background check for you. You can use this in court to prove you have not been in any trouble since this arrest.

    Good Luck, but it can be done.
    Apply to have your record expunged...

    Legal advice needed?

    We are currently renting but our landlady has told us that she is putting the house on the market. Our tenancy agreement does not end until April 2009, does this mean that we can stay until then or does the agreement end when the house changes hands?Legal advice needed?
    Depending what state your in.......only if the buyer is going to move into the house, not his brother, kid, or renter, might the contract be able to be broken. But....the notice is not the standard 30 days. Usually it 90 days plus, and should be stated in his paper work at time of placing the bid, and same time you get notice of buyers intent.....again depending what state your in..............Legal advice needed?
    I believe so, you will be a sitting tenant, I would advise you to seek legal advice or visit the Citizen's Advice Bureau.
    Read your tenancy agreement. Usually if she gives you a months notice of sale you have to move out before completion, unless the new owner is looking for tenants. If your in the UK go to citizens advise bureau.
    Get legal advice , as I had a tenancy , which was a waist of paper and ink , as my landlord just changed the locks , end of story , evicted
    Yes if it is writtewn in an agrement signed by both parties you would have a legal right. However most rentals are initially for 6 months and then month to month. If you are concerned go nd see your letting agent and get some advice from the CAB...

    Where can I get free legal advice?

    I need to get some free legal advice regarding child support issues and financial issues? Is there any place I can go to get free advice? I cant afford any lawyer consultations let alone a lawyer period...Where can I get free legal advice?
    Do you have a Legal Aid in your county? That would be the best place to try.

    Divorced dad needs legal advice regarding visitation requirements?

    Ok i share joint custody with my exwife but she is the custodial parent who i pay child support to. I get my son every other weekend.The problem is i need to go away on a work issue and need to switch weekends with her but she has ';plans'; and refuses to help me out. My question is can she ';legally'; make me get my son that weekend? I have asked everyone i know to help me out but no one can watch him and i can't take him with me. The only problem i see is we signed in our custody agreement what days we would be responsible for.Can she still hold me to it?Divorced dad needs legal advice regarding visitation requirements?
    She is just being spiteful. No, she cannot force you to take your child in unforeseen situations like this. She also can not use this as a reason to take you to court to take away your visitation. Unexpected situations arise, and she needs to understand that. If she doesn't want to swap weekends, you will lose that time though. If you want to try and keep the peace, explain to her that because of your job there is no way you can watch him and that you cannot find anyone to watch him. Inform her that if she would be willing to search for someone that she trust to watch him, you would be willing to pay the expense. If she doesn't agree, then tough. She will have to change her plans. It is one of the drawbacks of being a parent with custody. She will have to take the good with the bad. Your livelihood depends on your work, her livelihood doesn't depend on her taking a vacation. She needs to recognize this.Divorced dad needs legal advice regarding visitation requirements?
    Depends on the state, but normally I would say that you are SOL. My ex switched weekends on me constantly until she finally just refused visitation unless she needed a sitter that weekend. Did she violate the custody agreement and visitation guidelines. Yes. Did the judicial system do anything about it? Hell no. She tried to get an increase in support, did not get it, then tried to claim that I was behind just so that she could get an extra 20 a week for arrearages. Guess what. They did not even check! I got a notice in the mail that I was going to pay another 10 dollars a week and that there would be a lien placed on my property until I was caught up. I had to take a day off of work to go from one room, to another right across the hall to show my payment records to the prosecutor to stop all this. They do nothing about visitation because it is not an issue that gets them re-elected.
    In cases like this always check with your attorney or one who speciallizes in custody battles in your state. My opinion is that you did sign what days you would take him. Your only option may be to sign up for a babysitter service and pay through the nose. You don't want a teenager for this you want someone who is certified.

    Most day care facilities do not run 24 hours and I dont think a boarding school would take him for the weekend. Check your phonebook for licenced and bonded childcare.

    I do wish you well and good job on manning up for your child support and being with your son when you can. As a child of a dad who didn't do his job I do thank you. One day your son will too.
    i don't think she can make you, it's what they would class as a reasonable request, tell her to grow up and stop being so awkward, explain to your son, you don't need to justfiy it to her, sounds like she's being selfish and her time out is more important than time with him,tell her you'll have him 2 weekends together
    I think it depends on family law in your state. My ex and I have a custody agreement that he fought me hard for in court and won.... yet he never utilizes the agreement. She can't make you do anything. You will just miss a weekend with your son. She's probably just being spiteful.
  • mor
  • Legal Advice please: My son threw up on the piano at his lesson...who is responsible to pay for the damage?

    My son threw up on the piano. His lessons are at a piano studio in an office complex. The owner asked if I intended to pay for a professional cleaner and ';implied'; this could permanently ruin her piano. Again, this is a business, not someone's home, so shouldnt she have insurance for this kind of thing? One more thing, she did mention this was her personal piano. Any legal advice?Legal Advice please: My son threw up on the piano at his lesson...who is responsible to pay for the damage?
    I would think that insurance would cover it. Ask her about it.Legal Advice please: My son threw up on the piano at his lesson...who is responsible to pay for the damage?
    There is no legal reason to presume that because a piano is at an office complex rather than at the owner's home, that it should be insured.

    Why would the issue be different if your son had gone to the owner's home to take piano lessons?

    I have no idea if you can be compelled to pay for clean up. As the other responder said, it will be an issue of negligence if this goes to court.

    My advice is that if you think this person is a good piano teacher, and you want your son to continue to receive lessons from her, you should offer to pay for at least part of the clean up cost. If you think she is a lousy piano teacher, or you have other reasons to be a pain in the ***, maybe you shouldn't pay her. However, this argument about not paying her because she should have insurance seems like a big red herring.
    She should have insurance which should cover it.

    If she does not, the legal issue would be, who is negligent? If you knew the child was ill and let him go, you might be found negligent. If he ate something at the teacher's, or he became ill there and the teacher insisted he finish the lesson, she would be negligent. It is possible, if you have homeowners' or renters' insurance, that it would cover it. Of course, your insurance would be canceled or the premium would increase.
    This is a gray area, since she should have insurance, but since it is her personal piano (Which is unprofessional to keep at work, by the way, shame on her!) you may have to pay for the damage. Ask about their insurance policy first, though. I'm very sorry. I hope that your son recovered from his illness, if he was ill.
    tell her no.she should have insurance and a license to teach.this is part of the job and assumed risk.{ meaning she brought this their of her own accord,this is assumed risk}

    Legal Advice?

    A leak destroyed wood in my kitchen. It was replaced. The leak was never fixed and I am being told that there is no leak. I would like some advice on what to do from here. I was told that my dog ate the wall. Then they came out and looked again after I wrote someone higher up. I had to because the manager is always to busy and will not help.

    After ignoring the issue they are now saying that the dog is throwing water on the wall from it's bowl. The apartment owners are using there own investigators. But it is obvious because there is water on the carpet as well. I feel as if they know that I can do nothing.Legal Advice?
    If you have an investigator come, it will be obvious that the leak is from the inside out.

    This shouldn't be allowed to continue. Try consulting a lawyer as to your rights as a renter.Legal Advice?
    Tell them you think they are wrong and you are gonna have a contractor take a look at it. Most contractors give free estimates, you can call one out and ask them what they think the problem is and how much it would cost to fix it, (get the estimate in writing) then let your landlord know what you found out. Might make him do what's right, if he doesn't think you are ignorant to the problem.
    Keep the dog (and the water) away from the wall, and when it continues to be wet, get the management in to look at it.
    Hire someone else to come in a look at the problem (although it will cost you money) if they tell you for sure there is a leak, than you have solid evidence and (can hire a lawyer possibly) take your landlord/manager to court or small claims court to gain recompensation for the damage as well as the help that YOU had to hire to find and fix the problem. Or contact a lawyer first and he might make a better recommendation
    move before you get screwed

    Legal advice on Competion Clause?

    When i hired into my last employeer supposedly I signed a Competion Clause. Well the company that my company works for released all work. They wiped their hands clean from us. So I have been out of work for about a month now. So just like any other person would do I went and found a new job. And it just so happens that this company is working for the same company that mine used to. Well the owner of my previous employer is sueing me for taking work. But there is no work, and they no longer work for that company. On what grounds does my previous employer have to sue if there is no work that I am taking from them?Legal advice on Competion Clause?
    You don't have to be taking work from them. You could be taking away potential work from them by working for a competitor. This is especially true if you are privy to any trade secrets. You're going to need a lawyer if you want to fight this. If your position is important enough to your current employer they may provide one for you. If it isn't, you're employer may end up terminating your employment since that probably means it will not want to spend any significant amount of money in defending itself and will simply comply with the previous employer's demands.

    Legal advice about child visitation and dipshit exhusband?

    Me and my ex husband have been divorce since oct. 14, 2008. He was deployed when our daughter was 5 months old and was gone for 15 months. Throughout the deployment, every soldier gets rr or leave and he came home for her 1st birthday. That was the 1st time he's seen her since she was 6 months. (he was there since birth-6 mos.) the very last month (were still married and together) i find out he impregnated somebody else, and i am pretty much forced to move back to my hometown. (what the hell do i wanna be there for) and when he came home, the first thing he does is hire a lawyer for our divorce. called a total of 10 times to ask about his stuff in a storage we had, but never to ask about our daughter. i couldnt be there at the court hearing of our divorce, so he flew all the way down from wa to divorce me, but NEVER showed up or called to see her until he was on the way to the airport. By this time my daughter is now 2 and few months. He comes back to visit, with his new family in february and asks to see her on technically MY weekend, and he had only paid 2 months of child support since our divorce by this time. I told him he could see her DURING THE WEEK. and he agreed to meet me at a park on a monday, his weekend was coming up the following saturday. he stayed for 20 minutes and left. he called once to have his wife tell me ';you need to get a better job and take care of your kid by yourself';. he then told me ';i want to sign off my rights'; he never called after that, and he moved away to amsterdam with his military wife and i never heard from him until june. he claims that he never had my number, and that he couldnt ever get ahold of me to talk to our daughter. (after all the times he'd call my job and bug his sister about my number) my daughter spent almost every other weekend with his sister, even though i did not have to allow it. he talked to her through webcam when she did visit. NOW, he calls when it is convenient for him and when i dont answer (class, work, or my daughter is with her ';daddy';) which is very seldom, he throws a fit, and says im denying him of his own daughter. MY job as her mother is to answer, hand her the phone, and hang up when shes done. She started to call my current husband her dad, because we met when she was almost 2. hes been here with her ever since and knows him better than she knows her real dad. her real dad is blaming me for not ever telling her to call him daddy, because she calls him by his first name.

    if he would have been there from the get go, i would definitely tell her and teach her who her daddy is, but since hes threatened to sign his rights off, he can kiss my *** and go to hell. HE left us, HE chose to live in another country, and now i have been served with papers about visitation rights, saying i have been denying him on ';numerous occasions'; and he also is decreasing his child support. I really just want to get his rights revoked.

    and for all you folks out there saying that texas lawyers are more lenient on veterans, and blah blah blah. and ';he was deployed, he couldnt help it.'; HE HAS BEEN HOME FOR OVER A YEAR AND HAS SEEN HER ONCE.

    goes for months without calling and blames it on his other kid always being sick.

    i have 2 kids of my own and i always pay attention to both, not just the sick one.

    need help? do i need a lawyer? is this considered a case?

    he just praises ';make up time'; but he lives out of the country...Legal advice about child visitation and dipshit exhusband?
    I don't get it. Does you ex live in the same state as you or some other state or country? You say he's been home for a year, but then you say he lives out of the country.

    Regardless, if he is bringing a custody suit or a child support suit, then you need a lawyer to protect your interests which include your children.

    Legal Advice: I am hiring a lawyer for my dad, I need some questions answered please?

    A little about me: I am almost 20, going to college and taking care of myself, have been for quite a while now. My dad for the last four years has been in and out of county jail for multiple things, nothing too bad, bad checks, violation of restraining order (going through his divorce, his ex wife my step mom of 17 years was seeing my dads friend), just things like that.

    in 2007 he did 6 months in county jail and while in there they gave him a 2 years suspended sentence. During this time of being in jail, he was in a cell with four other guys and the head sheriff had been working on the television cable. There were just bare wires in the back of the TV so he broke a tooth brush and pushed it in there to hold the wires in for the time being. A cook had brought up a razor blade for another guy in the cell and it had been laying on the shelf. Then later that day the head sheriff had come in with a new cable cord and fixed the cable, he laid the broken tooth brush on one of the shelves.

    Ok the one of the under sheriff's come by and see the razer blade and tells my dad to pick it up and had it to him, which he did, then the sheriff takes the tooth brush off the shelf and takes it to another sheriff and says that my dad was trying to make a weapon out of these 2 objects.

    Ok then we go to court and he has a court appointed attorney who knows nothing about the cases that we were told by the court clerk for that day. They let the 2 sheriffs testify and one gets caught in a lie and says that he is not 100% sure he seen my dad with both the objects in his hand, the other sheriff testifies and says he cant say anything because he didn't see any of it the first sheriff brought it to him. Then they switch cases to the restraining order and have my ex- step mom testify and she says that if anyone broke the restraining order it was me when I bailed him out of jail or came up and seen him, then they switch back to the other case.They take a recess and call the head sheriff who wasn't subpoenaed to testify and see what he says. When they come back dads attorney says can we call him back and put him on speaker phone and the judge wont allow his testimony into the court. The DA says lets dismiss this case and the breaking a restraining order case, the judge says no and then he says I can see him having a creative mind with this and I think that his intentions were to make a weapon with these and he revokes his 2 year suspended sentence just like that. On his assumption.

    So here is my question: I am going to appeal it the new lawyer says we have a strong enough case based on the court appointed attorney not representing dad to his fullest ability, such as he should of subpoenaed the head sheriff to testify and he should of be prepared with every case that they were discussing that day.

    What happens if the appeal doesnt go through until he has alread served his sentence in prison and he then wins the appeal? Was all of that time and money a waste? Obviously I dont have a lot of money, I am hiring this lawyer with my grant money from college.Legal Advice: I am hiring a lawyer for my dad, I need some questions answered please?
    First, it is probably a violation of the terms of the grant to use that money to hire an Attorney for your dad.

    You should not use your College Grant money to hire an Attorney for your dad without written permission from the agency that gave you the grant.

    Legal advice.. hopefully from someone who knows it for sure..?

    I'm 17, i live in texas. my mom kicked me out. I know in texas she can't kick you out at 17. I want to know how long after i get out do I have a right to the house? The police officer i already spoke to said she has to go to court to kick me out but she can't. she thinks i have no right because I've been out too long? please help me. and if you know what the answer is is there anyway you can get it on a website or anything?Legal advice.. hopefully from someone who knows it for sure..?
    Sorry once you are 16 your mother does not have to allow you into her home if she chooses not to. Yes she is responsible for you until you are 18 or no longer attending school full time. Your father is also responsible but if neither parent want to take on that responsibility you can go to a girls home. There is nothing the courts will do to order one or the other parent to take you. You have no rights to your mothers house, sorry but thatis just the way it is.Legal advice.. hopefully from someone who knows it for sure..?
    It is very hard to answer your question because there is no set time that a person is gone from the home to establish abandonment. It is the circumstance around what happened that will determine ';whether'; your Mother kicked you out or you abandoned your home. If you are 17, she can be asked to take you in but if you have become combatants and there is a chance that there will be unrest in the house, the police will likely counsel you to go to a shelter or teen home. Your Mother's story can also be as meritorious as yours, and the Court can consider you a juvenile delinquent and give you a choice of taking their referrals or go to Juvenile Hall.

    My question to you is, if your relationship has deteriorated so much, why are you seeking to return? It is not your home, it is hers and she has the right to peace. Since you both can't get along anymore, there are resources for you out there.

    Go on with your life, make plans, go to college. The government will give you all the money you need for your schooling. My niece just graduated dental school at NYU with a $300,000.00 student loan. She will have no problem paying it back as she is already making 6 figures in her 2nd year as a dentist. Finish College. Be somebody!

    Good Luck!
    You can move out at 17 in Texas without emancipation or permission. I know this for sure!

    The age of consent in Texas is 17

    IN TEXAS it is OKAY to move out at 17. As long as you STAY IN SCHOOL... and are able to support yourself. you must have a place to stay and the majority.. STAY THERE... you just cant move around from place to place.....

    The legal age in texas is 17.

    The age at which a person is considered an adult in the state is 18, not 17. The 17-years of age pertains to two other issues, the age at which the person may have consensual sex, and the age at which a person can be tried as an adult for certain criminal offenses. Texas law enforcement will not get involved in a situation where a minor leaves home w/o parental permission, until that person's parents or guardian file a request and receive a order of requisition from the court to have the minor returned to their custody or the custody of juvenile authorities. Furthermore, any person(s) who aid a minor in such circumstances such as allowing them to live in their home, renting them a room, assisting in transportation, etc. can be held criminally and civilly responsible for contributing to the delinquency of said minor. (TS/TFC Title 2)

    Texas age of majority is 18. What if any actions that might be taken in regards to a minor leaving the parental home depends upon the parents or legal guardian and how aggressively authorities enforce the pertinent laws. Another factor would be if the minor is in a situation that would involve law enforcement intervention.

    The state's legal age of majority is eighteen (18). Texas does not have a emancipation status, but does accept petitions for early emancipation action and adjudicates such on the merits of the individual case.

    Legally, no, the age of majority in Texas is 18. Possible consequences of a minor leaving home before the legal age depends upon the actions the parents choose to take and/or if authorities decide to intervene.

    yes you can leave your house whenever you turn 17. not one day before you are 17 but when you turn 17.
    Instead of worrying about your rights, why not make up with your mother. I understand you are 17 and know more than anyone else on earth, but i would urge you to go makeup.

    and it appears she can kick you out, she did it and if your attitude does not change, she will again. If the police thought it a illegal act, why did they do nothing.
    She cant kick you out and say your not allowed back in-

    its even more frustrating to hear that youve spoken with a police officer, and NOTHING is being done. she should be charged with something and you should either be granted emancipation or a grouphome.
  • mor
  • Legal advice after car company rolled back paperwork on vehicle ''Dealership'' ?

    Alright so i worked at this dealership.. Let me just get to what happened...

    So i saw a car i liked did all the paperwork and purchased the car with finance. So now that it is my car i decide to do work on it i added mufflers to the vehicle which does not effect the car at all besides make it louder. so now a week comes by and the transmission went out on me.. Talk to my boss he says no problem we will just roll back the paperwork.. I said OK perfect but... I want the money back that i put into the car such as exhaust he says no problem. and so here comes a month later nothing should i be able to get my money back or and i out 500 dollars...? Please help me out im not even asking for the full tank of gas i couldn't get out of it... thank you all!Legal advice after car company rolled back paperwork on vehicle ''Dealership'' ?
    The paperwork itself had one price, and that was agreed to on paper. The additional money spent was agreed to orally, but not on paper. That's the main problem that you have. Was it above or below $500? If above, then that falls into the statute of frauds, thus no contract, and thus you don't get that money back unless the dealership agrees. If below, then you can argue oral contract.

    Good luck.

    Legal advice..custody of my young sibling?


    Im 20 years old and after my mothers death I began taking care of my younger brother full time. Our father is still living but prior to our mother passing, he kicked my little brother out. I went to court and was awarded guardianship and later had a date set for an actual custody case for him(June 3). However, Monday last week, our father somewhat ';kidnapped'; my brother from school. I haven't heard anything from my brother or my ';father'; but from family I've learned their location. My question is, is there anything that I can do legally to get my brother back?

    Thanks In Advance.Legal advice..custody of my young sibling?
    If the court has given you guardianship, temprorary or otherwise, it is still a court order. You need to contact the police immediately. Your father can be charged with Custodial Interference at a minimum, and felony kidnapping at worst. All states are required to comply with the court order of one state.

    Keep in mind that there is NO 'somewhat' kidnapped. It IS kidnapping, no matter what the relation. That why federal law was passed in the 1980's to prevent this kind of interference between ex-spouses and/or families.Legal advice..custody of my young sibling?
    I would actually call the police and show them the order of Guardianship. If you haven't followed up on your written order, you need to do that right away. Police need written orders. See what they say.

    Meanwhile, you have a custody hearing. You may not get custody at that hearing if your father's parental rights were unknown. Still, go to your hearing. They may issue an order or something to get your brother returned to you (if the cops don't help), and then set the matter for another date. At that date, they may have a hearing with presentation of evidence to consider your case versus your dad's case of who should have custody of your little brother and hopefully preserve the estate of your mom. Or they could throw the book at your dad since he technically could be in violation of the order appointing Guardianship.

    Good luck to you and don't forget to report the assets of the estate to the court.
    If you were awarded guardianship you don't have actual custody at this time but in most cases the court will set a sooner date to determine custody because it's in the child's best interest. Simply call the division where the current date is set and tell them the problem, they will guide you from there.
    Show up at your hearing and tell the Judge what has happened. Your ';father'; sounds like he is unfit and hopefully the court will see it the same way. However, even if you do get custody of your brother, your father will always be a pain in the fanny and probably cause you nothing but problems.
    If the court granted you temporary guardianship, you must call the police and pick your brother up. They will take your brother and give him to you. Your father will face arrest if he refuses. Report the incident to the courts to speed up the custody hearing.
    Call the police *immediately*.

    If you are the childs legal guardian, and you fail to report that he's been removed from your custody, you could be in breach of your obligation to care for him.

    you have to file a kidnap case as you are the legal guardian to your brother till the expiry of the tenure lodge police case immediately
    You need to call and report that to the police now. If you have temp guardianship over him your ';father'; has no right to come in and take him without permission!