Thursday, July 29, 2010

Legal advice please!?

my boyfriend and i have been living with his mom while we wait for our apartment to come through. She is on a heavy dose of lithium everyday because of her phsychological issues. When she isn't medicated she flips out. a couple nights ago she had one of her ';attacks'; and called a false domestic violence charge on my bf. he is 17 and this is his ';2nd offense'; ( the first one was for throwing a sock at his sister which in florida counts because its unwanted contact) i witnessed the whole ';incident'; neither his mom or sister had any marks although it was written in the police report that they did. His sister also aleggedly has a severely sprained ankle which was said to be caused by a plastic bowl. there is no medical proof of this and she was walking fine the whole night. his mom is lying to the courts and making it seem like he was beating them pretty badly. We cant speak to the public defender until right before the trial. I was hoping for more time to get legal advice. what types of questions should we make sure the lawyer asks and what should be brought up and/or not brought up?Legal advice please!?
Honestly, the best thing is to make sure you are called as a witness, and that you get to tell everything you know about it.

As for the sprained ankle(assuming that is part of the second offense/charge), get a short movie video of it, and show it to the attorney.

Finally, this isn't legal advice...its random internet advice. If you want legal advice, please consult an attorney.

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