Saturday, July 31, 2010

LEGAL ADVICE NEEDED!asap RE SUBPOENA and acting as witness at court?

hi i am a 17 year old female. i received a subpoena to appear in court as a witness. what happens if i don't appear in court? i really dont want to go as it happened so long ago and i dont want to give any evidence! my statement which i gave a long time ago does not have anything in it really as i didnt give any good information that could be used anyway. i really dont want to get up in court.

what pentalty will i recieve for not appearing?LEGAL ADVICE NEEDED!asap RE SUBPOENA and acting as witness at court?
Randy B. is right. In addition you are required to remember as best you can what happened. Your statement and your truthful testimony will cause you problems because the two won't match. That is called Perjury and is a serious felony. You will be under oath. You will be grilled by two attorneys and your perjury may come out. You are only 17 and are not suffering from senility.

If you were subpoenaed by the District Attorney, or Chief Solicitor, go see them and explain that you hadn't wanted to get involved, so you made your statement deliberately vague. If you have been threatened if you testify truthfully, be SURE to tell the DA.LEGAL ADVICE NEEDED!asap RE SUBPOENA and acting as witness at court?
It would help a great deal if you gave your state and country. There is more than one legal system on the face of God's earth. They are all quite complex so don't expect people who don't belong to your country to start helping you with legal advice about you jurisdiction.

Make it clear where you live - or if you don't want to be that precise - the state and country the legal advice is need for please.

If you have been subpoena'd by the Court and you do not show up the Judge has the option to issue a bench warrant for your arrest and to compel you to attend. The subpoena is essentially the Courts way (read: Judges way) or ordering you to attend and if you do not attend it can be big trouble. It is not a request to attend, it is an order.

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