Saturday, July 31, 2010

Legal advice please in this absolutely sickening situation?

Hello. My son who is only 16 years or age informed me that he has met a 61 year old woman whom he insists is the one for him. At first I thought he was joking, but now it is clear that he is serious. He says they had sex together several times, this of course made me hit the roof and I said that I do not want him to be seeing her ever again. I told him that as his mother I only want the best for him in life and he does not have a future with a woman 45 years his senior (even older than I am!). I can't believe that this woman has taken advantage of his age and twisted him into thinking that such a heinous relationship is acceptable. She is a dangerous woman to children who should not be allowed on the streets. She should be ashamed of herself for going after such a young boy. As you can imagine, this has been a very upsetting experience for me. My little boy whom I raised from a baby and whom is still under my care is dating a woman even older than me! She must be absolutely sick in the head to be going after such a young boy young enough to be her own grandson! I want to take legal action against her, I am sure that such a relationship (sexual!) with a minor child is illegal. What laws come into play in this situation? I want her to be locked up for a very long time for this serious crime, hopefully this will help my son understand that this relationship is absolutely sickening to me, as his mother. We live in Tennessee by the way if that helps. I want to press for the strongest charges possible against this woman, she is just absolutely disgusting to be going after children and taking advantage of their age and inexperience.Legal advice please in this absolutely sickening situation?
You need to report this woman to the police! She is a pedophile! Your son is under age AND jail bait! What she is doing is statutory rape and sexual interference with a minor. Don't waste time on here asking what to do when it's mostly 13-16 yr old doing the answering. Get off your computer, call the police and get this report filed.Legal advice please in this absolutely sickening situation?
Tennessee's age of consent is 18 (unless the offender is less than 4 years older than the minor). Go to your local police and report this at once.
I would call your local police department and speak with an officer there. They can tell you how to proceed and what the age of consent is in your state.
I understand your rage and you need to go to the nearest police station and file a complaint.Your son will be angry for a while.He probably had sex for the first time with her and that is what has created this bond.She can and will be charged with statuatory rape with a minor and deserves the long road to hell that is ahead of her.Be relentless so she cant do this to another innocent.I,m not 13-16 more like 40 and that is just plain disgusting what that woman has done.

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