Saturday, July 31, 2010

Legal advice.. hopefully from someone who knows it for sure..?

I'm 17, i live in texas. my mom kicked me out. I know in texas she can't kick you out at 17. I want to know how long after i get out do I have a right to the house? The police officer i already spoke to said she has to go to court to kick me out but she can't. she thinks i have no right because I've been out too long? please help me. and if you know what the answer is is there anyway you can get it on a website or anything?Legal advice.. hopefully from someone who knows it for sure..?
Sorry once you are 16 your mother does not have to allow you into her home if she chooses not to. Yes she is responsible for you until you are 18 or no longer attending school full time. Your father is also responsible but if neither parent want to take on that responsibility you can go to a girls home. There is nothing the courts will do to order one or the other parent to take you. You have no rights to your mothers house, sorry but thatis just the way it is.Legal advice.. hopefully from someone who knows it for sure..?
It is very hard to answer your question because there is no set time that a person is gone from the home to establish abandonment. It is the circumstance around what happened that will determine ';whether'; your Mother kicked you out or you abandoned your home. If you are 17, she can be asked to take you in but if you have become combatants and there is a chance that there will be unrest in the house, the police will likely counsel you to go to a shelter or teen home. Your Mother's story can also be as meritorious as yours, and the Court can consider you a juvenile delinquent and give you a choice of taking their referrals or go to Juvenile Hall.

My question to you is, if your relationship has deteriorated so much, why are you seeking to return? It is not your home, it is hers and she has the right to peace. Since you both can't get along anymore, there are resources for you out there.

Go on with your life, make plans, go to college. The government will give you all the money you need for your schooling. My niece just graduated dental school at NYU with a $300,000.00 student loan. She will have no problem paying it back as she is already making 6 figures in her 2nd year as a dentist. Finish College. Be somebody!

Good Luck!
You can move out at 17 in Texas without emancipation or permission. I know this for sure!

The age of consent in Texas is 17

IN TEXAS it is OKAY to move out at 17. As long as you STAY IN SCHOOL... and are able to support yourself. you must have a place to stay and the majority.. STAY THERE... you just cant move around from place to place.....

The legal age in texas is 17.

The age at which a person is considered an adult in the state is 18, not 17. The 17-years of age pertains to two other issues, the age at which the person may have consensual sex, and the age at which a person can be tried as an adult for certain criminal offenses. Texas law enforcement will not get involved in a situation where a minor leaves home w/o parental permission, until that person's parents or guardian file a request and receive a order of requisition from the court to have the minor returned to their custody or the custody of juvenile authorities. Furthermore, any person(s) who aid a minor in such circumstances such as allowing them to live in their home, renting them a room, assisting in transportation, etc. can be held criminally and civilly responsible for contributing to the delinquency of said minor. (TS/TFC Title 2)

Texas age of majority is 18. What if any actions that might be taken in regards to a minor leaving the parental home depends upon the parents or legal guardian and how aggressively authorities enforce the pertinent laws. Another factor would be if the minor is in a situation that would involve law enforcement intervention.

The state's legal age of majority is eighteen (18). Texas does not have a emancipation status, but does accept petitions for early emancipation action and adjudicates such on the merits of the individual case.

Legally, no, the age of majority in Texas is 18. Possible consequences of a minor leaving home before the legal age depends upon the actions the parents choose to take and/or if authorities decide to intervene.

yes you can leave your house whenever you turn 17. not one day before you are 17 but when you turn 17.
Instead of worrying about your rights, why not make up with your mother. I understand you are 17 and know more than anyone else on earth, but i would urge you to go makeup.

and it appears she can kick you out, she did it and if your attitude does not change, she will again. If the police thought it a illegal act, why did they do nothing.
She cant kick you out and say your not allowed back in-

its even more frustrating to hear that youve spoken with a police officer, and NOTHING is being done. she should be charged with something and you should either be granted emancipation or a grouphome.
  • mor
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