Thursday, July 29, 2010

Legal advice needed, can you help?

A friend of mine received a DWI roughly a year and a half ago. He completed only 2 of the classes. Around 8 or 9 months ago his license was suspended. He was carrying an old out of state license for driving purposes. Well he lost it and eventually got pulled over. He told the police officer he had a conditional NYS license, even though he didn't. He went to court and they asked for his conditional license but he didn't have it yet. After 2 court extensions, he still has no license. Apparently he has to finish the DWI classes and reapply for a NYS drivers license. But his last court date is in a month. He will not be able to complete these requirements. Can you advise on what should be done next? For those of you that have been through this can you shed light on your outcome?Legal advice needed, can you help?
well if he doesn't comply with the courts he won't get a license until he does. the longer he waits the more it will cost to get i back, late fees and interest fees compile as time goes bye.

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