Thursday, July 29, 2010

I need legal advice ?

i worked for a carwash over the last two weeks and was called today and fired . They ecused me of stealing 30 dollars on my friday shift and 100 on my sunday shift. at the carwash we all handle the money they told me they have no proof who stole the money and that they had to let me go because i was the last one hired what can i do? my word has been throw into the gutter and i am pissed off.I need legal advice ?
It depends what state you are in. I am in Florida. It is a right to work state. They can fire you for any reason. Firing you because you were the last one hired is an acceptable reason.

Since you were fired, you can collect unemployment income until you find a new job.I need legal advice ?
pay the money back
Your integrity has been thrown in the gutter. Res ponce from you should be in the form of a motion from you to the courts stating that you are being held responsible for pay back of the monies by loosing your job. And that the money missing was in no way your fault. That will shift BURDEN OF PROOF to your messed up boss.
I would contact your local county job center, ask them what are your rights in this madder and how they feel you should proceed . If you can afford a lawyer, get one. If all you are telling me is true, it sounds like ';unsubstantiated termination';. In other words, you were fired for something that they have no proof you did.
Contact Labor relations. Maybe they can challenge the reason for the dismissal, get you elligible for U/E if you qualified otherwise and make it better when and if you need a reference

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