Thursday, August 19, 2010

Legal Advice Needed: I work for an authorized dealer of a major cell phone company and?

they have this agreement (hereby called the ';cancellation agreement';) that the customer signs so if they cancel their cell phone service within 181 days, not only do they get a cancellation fee from the carrier, but also one from us. Anyways, I sold a customer 2 phones and I remember using my debit card to pay for ONLY their activation fee (not the cancellation agreement). Apparently, that customer canceled their service within 181 days and my card got charged their cancellation fee. So, I called the department of my company that deals with these issues and they said that they can't do anything about it because I used my debit card and on the agreement there is a section that says that the company can charge ANY credit card associated with the customer, it doesn't necessarily have to be for the cancellation agreement. So, what can I do next? My goal is to get my money back because I really feel like I'm getting ripped off.Legal Advice Needed: I work for an authorized dealer of a major cell phone company and?
Why on earth was it charged to your card instead of the customer's? This doesn't make much sense. I don't think we're getting the whole story.Legal Advice Needed: I work for an authorized dealer of a major cell phone company and?
an authorized dealer ought to have some pull in this situation. ask the most senior person you can reach at your company to intercede on your behalf.
I can't imagine why you used your debit card for a customer. But, sorry, you are liable for the charges.
Let me guess, you used your debit card knowing your friends would drop the service and you still keep the commission. You didn't think it all the thru.
Now you know how your customers feel don't you?
You can call the bank and have them refuse the charges. The bank will charge you a $5.00 fee. I believe that is called ';refusing the charge'; or something like that. At that point you might need to get a new bank card with a different number, just in case.Regardless, contact the bank and get their help....just do not tell them why you did it!!

There are people out there that know that they are incappable of these types of responsibilities or they just want a patsy.... and they look for people like you and me to take advantage of them!!! It happened to me too, I rented a Video for a customer when I worked at a video store. Cost me over $50. It sucked big time!

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